Petralia Soprana, in the Palermo province,
stands at 1,147m a.s.l. It enjoys a splendid scenery comprising the Nebrodi
Mountains and the Moutn Etna in the distance.
The town origins go back to the Roman
domination, when it was a major wheat producer. During the Arab domination, it
was called Batraliah, its political and strategical influence growing
higher and higher, even under the following Norman rule. During the Middle Ages
it saw the rise of several families namely the Ventimiglias, the Centelles, the
Cardonas, the Moncadas and the Alvarez de Toledo.
Petralia Soprana boasts several endearing
secular buildings, such as the 1800’s Palazzo Municipale and the Town
Library containing various precious incunabula, manuscripts, documents and a
monument dedicated to Frà Umile de Petralia.
The town’s Chiesa Madre is dedicated to
Saints Peter and Paul. It is of remote origin, although its present form mainly
derives from 1300’s restoration works, by the Ventimiglias, and 1700’s. It is
flanked by an old bell-tower graced with a two-light window and the statues of
St. Peter and St. Paul, and a 1700’s one remained incomplete. The
interior has a basilical plan with three naves and is adorned with many works
of art among which is a Crucifix by Frà Umile Pitrono, a marble statue
representing the Madonna dell’Udienza and another representing the Madonna
of the Chain.
The 1700’s Chiesa di Santa Maria di Loreto
was built on the foundations of an ancient castle; it has a Greek-cross plan
with for corner domes and two bell-towers with spires. It contains various
pieces of art such as the 1400’s marble altarpiece representing the Madonna
and Child and an altar-step representing Christ and the Apostles.
The Chiesa di San Giovanni Evangelista
was extensively refurbished in the 18th century. It is ornamented
with a 1600’s Crucifix and a 1400’s marble statue representing the Madonna
del Carmelo.
Among the town’s minor church a mention goes to
the Chiesa del Santissimo Salvatore with an elliptical plan and a fine
dome with rectangular windows, and the 1500’s Chiesa di Sant’Antonio Abate.