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Trecastagni is a city of about 7,200 inhabitants at 586 m a.s.l. The Mother Church, featuring a striking contrast between its lava black columns and its white walls, and finely decorated arches and windows, is the most interesting building in town.

A shrine dedicated to the three brothers and martyrs Saints Alfio, Benedetto and Cirino, who, according to tradition, stopped in Trecastagni on their way to Lentini, is also worth-seeing. The edifice is richly furnished and contains a precious 1600’s silver chalice. A feast in honour of the three martyrs and patron saints, drawing thousands of devotees, is celebrated every year on 9-10 May, the highlight coming with the “Svilata”, that is when the chapel guarding the effigies of the saints is open, and with a horse race.

Among the minor churches, a mention must go to the Anime del Purgatorio’s.