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News on Santa Maria di Licodia
Santa Maria di Licodia is a city of about 6,800
inhabitants at 442 m a.s.l. The city is named after a Benedictine Abbey, now
Town Hall, located in Piazza Umberto. Built in the 12th century,
under the Norman, and extensively refurbished in the 1640s, it is the main
tourism attraction in town. A square Arab-Norman tower and a church dedicated
to Santa Maria di Licodia are as much interesting historical sites. The
latter contains various pieces of art from the Abbey, such as a wooden
polychrome statue of Santa Gertrude la Grande, a 1500’s wooden polychrome
Crucifix, paintings, among which are the astounding 1500’s Annunciation, the
1600’s San Giovannino and the 1700’s Sant’Antonio Abate, a 1800’s wooden litter of San Giuseppe, and
several other objects like silver relics and chalices ranging in date from 1736
through 1824.
Santa Maria di Licodia is believed to have been
built on the former “Inessa”, a prehistoric Sikel settlement. According to
historical sources, the new city was founded in 1143, when Simone del Vasto,
Count of Policastro and Lord of Paterṇ, entrusted the Benedictin monk Geremia
the convent and the church of the Virgin Mary of Licodia.