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Ragalna is a small town of about 2,600 at nearly 1,000 m height, surrounded by luxuriant pine, oaks and walnut groves, on the slopes of Etna Volcano. Only in 1985 it became an autonomous municipality. Up to that date it was administratively annexed to the neighboring Paternò. 


It is a mainly farming town, due to its much fertile soil. Tourism is also developed, the city recently being included in the Etna Natural Park. Indeed, it offers breath-taking landscapes  characterized by a rich vegetation composed of olive, almond, pistachio, citrus fruits, walnut, oaks, pines and the white-broom. The Serra La Neve area, still in the Park, is worth-seeing.


Tourism is notably fostered by traditional events, such as the city’ patron saint’s – Maria Santissima del Carmelo – feast on the last Sunday of September.



Ragalna is a typical mountain town, featuring picturesque homes and farms. Its major buildings are the Mother Church dedicated to the Madonna del Carmelo, the church of Santa Barbara and that of San Giovanni Bosco.



The earliest documented information on Ragalna dates from the Norman age, referring to the donation of Rechalena by the Count Enrico di Cagliostro, Lord of Paternò, to the Monastery of San Leone, in 1136. Towards the end of the Middle Ages, the town was ruled by the Moncadas, Princes of Paternò.